Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

     Early humans used cave paintings, artifacts, tools to express their hominid culture, most important is how they use art so creatively. They would see something they like and paint it on the walls of the caves or the surface of a rock or even just on the floor. The group I was in observed a picture that showed part of a cave wall. We hypothesized what we thought the painting was about. We first thought that it was a plan to get bison for food or a plan to attack an enemy of some sort. We also thought it was a plan to get every living thing away from a poisoned plant or piece of land. All of these hypothesizes are plans to lure or capture something. We never guessed that it was a just an everyday life painting. Some scientists believe that it WAS an everyday life painting. This proves that we never know what these smart hominids paint because they add all of these weird symbols and signs that we never understand or recognize. I think the early humans would use art instead of anything else because maybe they didn't know how else to express their culture.

     I would like to write (or rather type) what i can infer about these images below.

     To me and many others, this painting looks like a plan but to some people, it might look like a tribute to the many animals in their homeland. To scientists, those handprints are an artist's signature. The group I worked with figured it was representing the many people in the picture. I can see that the bison are trying to run away from something or someone. Many scientists thought that the paintings all meant something different because each painting was unique and different. Not one was exactly the same. As I said earlier, this painting may be a way of saying tribute to the animals in their territory. Maybe the animals did something miraculous and this is the hominid's way of saying thanks.

     I think this painting shows the many people there are in one single tribe. As you can see, there are many different sizes of hands. There are small and big hands. I guess the bigger hands are the adult's and the smaller hands are a child's. There are many different colors and different designs. I think the colors represent the different kind of personalities there are in the tribe. The early humans may have used different kinds of fruits and blood to make the ink. They could have used all of the tools they invented to kill  the animals and squeeze the fruits. I think this painting was to show all the different kinds of people in their tribe. They may have not been from different places but an individual is very different from another individual.

     Well, I believe there are many different answers depending on the person. In conclusion....How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture? I think the early humans would paint what they think has meaning, what they think is interesting and what they think is important to them and others around them.

Nadia :)


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