Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm Unique...I'm JJ...

On Tuesday November 30th, Mr Whiting had come in to help us find out how we learn best and what our profile was.  My profile was profile JJ, which means that I am gestalt dominant, right eye dominant, left ear dominant, right hand dominant and left leg dominant.  In this blog post, you will learn when I learn best, what I need to do, some strategies that would help me in my learning and what I would like my teachers to know about me. Even though some information does not suit my character, it is the perfect profile for me.

When do I learn best? I learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, context and emotional relevance to self. My movements tend to be spontaneous and fluid but I have the good coordination with my body. For example, I can exhibit good technique when doing a specific dance step but I may lack skill when I'm stressed. I also learn best when I am relaxed since for me, I see the whole picture instead of step-by-step. 

What do I need to do? I need to do activities that have cross lateral hand and foot play such as knitting, writing, drawing with the non-dominant hand, massaging the TMJ, walking, dancing, soccer and martial arts like Tai Chi. In my opinion, something I need to do is to be assertive. I won't be too assertive that everyone would hate me, but assertive enough to tell someone to back off if they are annoying me. 

What are the strategies that would help me in my learning? One strategy that would help me learn is to refrain from sitting on the left side of the classroom as it will affect my hearing. The profile suggested doing Lazy 8's and having people encourage and model for me on how to learn with details.

Something teachers should know about me is that whenever you are explaining homework or a unit in class, I will be playing with my pencil or doodling. Why? I don't know. It is something that keeps me awake. It may seem like I am not listening but I am. Another thing I would like teachers to know about me is that unfairness can really get me mad. I will start to tense my body up and will clench my pencil tightly when writing. One example of unfairness to me is not picking me when I have my hand up. Many people in my class just shout out the answer and the teacher won't mind. It seems unfair to the people who are quiet and are disciplined enough to raise their hands. Another thing that would tick me off are hypocrites. If someone tells me something I'm not supposed to do and behind my back they do it, it will get me angry as they are basically, liars. 

Below is a picture of me and JJ

I hope you learned more about me and my profile, JJ. Thanks for reading (: 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lit Circles FTW (With A Twist) :)

This week instead of doing our normal Lit. Circles by ourselves, there was a little change. This week's Lit Circle was called "Literature Circles With A Twist...". Mrs Narsiman wants us to do a blog post on these 3 questions that relate to this week's literature circle; what are the benefits of working with a class-mate, what were some challenges and obstacles you overcame or tried to overcome and what were new understandings you gained about the novel.

What are the benefits of working with a class mate? There were two main benefits; you didn't have to do more but LESS work this time round and you had somebody that you rely on that can correct your work and give you suggestions. Many people would think less work is good because well, it's less work! For example, my partner was Natalie, and we did our literature circles together. As in, we were both online and we would discuss if a question was good or not or if our passage had enough But actually, it means that we can take the week we are given to do better and improved work because we won't have to stress thinking, " The 2nd benefit was that somebody was correcting your work and helping you make it better. Natalie was really helpful and gave me lots of ways to improve my Lit. Circle. She had corrected my grammar and made sure I had enough evidence and examples. 

What are some challenges/obstacles that you overcame (tried to overcome)? One challenge I obviously had was getting my ideas to full marks. I knew my partner was excellent at literature circles, so to not dissapoint her and letting her think that the hard work she put in wasn't worth anything, I had to kick it up a notch. 

What were some new understandings you gained about the novel? The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle is, without doubt, a very hard book to understand. But I have gained some new understandings about this superb novel. One understanding I gained was that a good author leaves bold hints of what is going to happen next.  This proves the author is a marvelous one because that's how they can pull the reader into the book and want to 

All though literature circles are not the best way to spend a weekend on, it has definitely changed after this twist :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lit Circles FTW :)

 Lit Circles is not necessarily my favorite assignment, but it's not the worst (or is it?) Right now, I am reading the novel The True Confessions Of Charlotte DoyleLiterature Circles are basically something that helps you to understand novels by letting you choose 2 passages you thought was important, 2 questions you have, 2 responses you have TO the questions, 2 connections, and 2 new vocabulary words. 

Many people wonder why we review our literature circles in groups, better yet, how the discussion helps our understanding of the novel. The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle is a very complex book. It's the kind of book where you have to read between the lines and really know what the text means. The discussion helped me to understand the novel because of 2 reasons. One reason occurs when you share ideas with your group. When someone shares their own idea, you start to think about other thoughts that you forgot to put on your literature circle. This can help you understand the book more because it gets your brain working even more than you thought was possible. For example, someone might think a character as mean or snobby, but you thought of the exact opposite! They give examples and reasons and you find out that it can work both ways. 

People make different kinds of connections. Some people base their connections on different books or movies.  I tend to base my connections as personal ones. One connection I made at the recent discussion was about when I am left alone, since Charlotte is left alone on the ship. My other connection was how I am also put into a group FULL of boys! I have so many examples (well, only 2). One example was in 5th grade when I was put into a group of 7 BOYS! Phew, that was torture...Another example is at the Kuala Selangor Firefly Field Trip. I was put into a group of boys when we went to go on a boat to see the fireflies. 

        After reading THIS far into the book (9 chapters for the win!), I think it is safe to make predictions. One prediction I have is I think Charlotte will fall madly in love with Captain Jaggery. I have read a part where Charlotte is heads over heels for him because he is so handsome and so gentleman-like. Another connection I have is that Charlotte will try to escape after being held in a boat with no one to entertain her. She may try to hide or even jump off the side of the ship and swim to shore. You never what will happen next though!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy?

Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand are all in the same region. But the real question here is why do Australia and New Zealand have become technologically advanced and wealthy. There are many Here are some examples and answers to this question.

One of the reasons why Australia and New Zealand are more technologically advanced and wealthy is that Europeans went to both of these countries and brought everything with them. The first settlers to arrive in Australia were the Dutch but they were unsuccessful in settling so European settlement happened in the late 18th century. The first known settlers to arrive in New Zealand were the Eastern Polynesians. Many other explorers who were European arrived after that brought their European food, drink, and also metal tools and weapons. This caused Australia and New Zealand to be more technologically advanced.

Another reason is that Australia is high in gold and there was a gold rush in the early 1850s. Since gold is very valuable, this helped Australia become wealthy. Papua New Guinea is poor in gold and does not have much of it, but they are high in crops and traditional agriculture. This does not help them get their health but helps them to just get by. New Zealand gets their wealth from their trading. They traded European food and goods, especially metal tools and weapons, for Māori timber, food, artifacts and water. This was very grand back then and this is how they got their wealth.

A further reason is that Papua New Guinea only has hunters because they basically live in the jungle. In the jungle they only have meat as there are only wild animals that provide meat living in the swarm of trees and bushes. If you have goats or cows, you can get milk and have a stable food supply, but in Papua New Guinea they don't have these kind of choices. In Australia and New Zealand, people have all different kinds of animals so they can get a stable food supply of all the 6 food groups: protein, grain, dairy, vegetables, and fruits.

Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand are all different countries. Different languages, different styles of living and obviously, different reasons why they are poor or rich in certain areas. Some reasons why Australia and New Zealand are more technologically advanced and wealthier than Papua New Guinea are that Europeans went to Australia and New Zealand, Australia is high in gold and New Zealand is high in trading and there are only hunters in Papua New Guinea. These are only some reasons why other countries are more advanced than others. It doesn't mean you should underestimate the poverty-stricken country.

Monday, October 18, 2010

You Can Use The SLR's Anytime, Anywhere :D

Think Creatively, Reason Critically, Communicate Effectively, Collaborate Constructively, Learn Enthusiastically, Live Ethically. These are the School-Wide Learning Results ISKL wants their students to believe and use them anywhere, anytime. Team 6A, I believe, used two of these SLR's on their trip to Kuala Selangor. Collaborate Constructively and Learn Enthusiastically.

I think we used the SLR "Collaborate Constructively" on our field trip. "Collaborate Constructively" basically means to help people if they have trouble doing something but to not say they're stupid for not . One example of this is when we made grasshoppers out of coconut leaves. Some people had trouble and some didn't. I actually didn't have trouble at first but after a while, I kind of got the hang of it. I finished relatively fast and I saw my friend having trouble. She didn't know when to flip the coconut leave over. I showed her a couple of times and she finally knew what to do. Another example of this SLR is when 6A went to plant mangroves. Some people got stuck in the mud on the way to their planting spot. So Mr Smith helped them get out of the mud with all the muscles he had (quite a lot I might add). I'm such a suck-up :) So this is one of the SLR's 6A used on our Kuala Selangor field trip. But that was not the only SLR we used. We also used "Learn Enthusiastically".

I think we used the SLR "Learn Enthusiastically" on the field trip. To learn enthusiastically means to be interested in what you're learning. I actually only have one example of this SLR and that is when our tour guide (forgot his name) talked to us about mangroves, what they are, how they live and what they do to the environment and issues like that. I personally learned alot about mangroves. One fact that made them so unique is that they are the only and plant that can survive in sea-water conditions. Isn't that amazing? Well, I think that was the only example I could think of the SLR "Learn Enthusiastically".

In conclusion, I think team 6A used two SLR's, "Learn Enthusiastically" and "Collaborate Constructively". Learning about the mangroves is one example of "Learn Enthusiastically" and making grasshoppers along with helping people get out of the mud if they were stuck are 2 examples of "Collaborate Constructively".

-Thanks for reading! Nadia Redza

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"It's Okay..."

Last year in 5th grade, I was new to ISKL Melawati and I didn't know many people. But around the middle of the year, I started to sort of, you know, fit in. At the end of the year, there was a track and field meet and I was taking part in the 200m sprint, 50m sprint or 100m sprint (I don't know which one), long jump, softball throw and the relay with all my friends. I was 1 of out 2 girls who were selected to run in the relay. Let's just call my friends Bobby, Freddy and Mary.

Mary was getting ready to put us in a big lead. She leaped off the starting line and zoomed off like a cheetah. She held the gold baton in her hand and in the next person's eyes, I could see the tension between the baton and him. She passed off the baton to Bobby and he just sprinted off like there was a giant bulldozer behind him. We were all shouting, "GO GO GO!" and I was the next one up. At about 1 meter away, I could see Bobby. He had a sense of concentration in his eyes. But bad luck fell upon him.

About about half a meter away, the baton slipped out of his hand and fell onto the grass! We were all disappointed and you could hear the crowd go, "Awww..." I just screamed at that Bobby, "It's fine! Don't worry about it! Just pick it up!" He quickly picked it up and sprinted for his life. Bobby passed the baton to me and I was just running like there was no tomorrow! I passed it off to Freddy and he just ran as fast as he could to make up for the lost time. Freddy actually ran like he was a thief being chased by a angry mob of people. In the end, we got 2nd place and we were all like, "YES!" And high-fiving each other. Bobby, who dropped the baton, was walking off and sniffling. I could hear everyone saying to Bobby, "Why the heck did you do that?" and "You know we could have won if you DIDN'T drop the baton?" I got so mad at them and I just felt like saying, "Be proud that we actually ran! Because if we didn't, we wouldn't have won a place in the top three. So please just STOP BULLYING HIM!" But instead I chose to comfort the victim so that he was alright.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Bobby. He was sitting on the curb of the ramp near the Melawati gym. He said that he didn't mean to drop and that it just slipped out of his hand. I knew that but I don't think anyone else did. I gave Bobby a big hug and whispered, "You know, they got ice-cream and I'm pretty sure that you want some :)" He said yeah and I helped him up from where we were sitting and we walked down the ramp to get some ice-cream.

In my opinion, everyone should not be punished or bullied by just making one mistake. The mistake won't scar them for life but just a big part of it. If I had the same situation happen once, I would stand up for Bobby and tell everyone to just respect him and to not bother him. After all, it's just life. Two goals that I have that could help everyone in ISKL, is maybe joining or starting an Anti-Bullying Campaign so that nobody would get bullied in ISKL as a goal. Another goal is to report any signs of bullying to Ms. Thompson. I don't want to be a tattle-tale or a teacher's pet, but I want this school to be safe and not full of bullies. Last year when Ms. Thompson and the 6th grade peer helpers cam over to Melawati, 1 person asked if there were any bullies. The peer helpers said no but I think there are some bullies who push and shove as they please. I think bullying is a very big issue around the world and I hope not EVERYONE wants to stop it. Not just me or ISKL.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The key to change... is to let go of fear.

Courage-the ability to do something that frightens one. Now that's what I call a dictionary definition. My way of looking at courage is like a hallway. During that hallway, you must make some choices you don't want to make, but this hallway leads to a whole, new and changed life. Some choices you make may be about your fears. Most people think being courageous is having the guts to do something that frightens them or even fears them, and that's their definition. Not everyone's definition is the same. Now I will tell you how a single trip to Malacca changed my whole life and how it made me a more matured person. 
     In 5th grade, there was an overnight trip to Malacca on this famous city's spices and food that they have. I, for one, thought it was exciting to go on an overnight trip with my friends because I haven't gone on a trip to another city before, but then I thought about my fears. I have TONS of fears! 1)I hate being alone 2) Don't really like bugs 3) DISGUSTED by wet and dirty floors and 4) REALLY scared from animals (FYI: Please don't laugh!). This trip involved 2 of my fears: being alone, and bugs. You see, I haven't really 'pulled away' from my parents yet so I sleep next to them in my own bed and hold my dad's hand when I sleep because I'm also scared of robbers and thieves and those kinds of people. Anyway, bugs also interfere into the trip because I wasn't sure if the hotel was clean or not. So basically, this trip was about me having the choice to be afraid my fears or to have the courage to overcome my fears.

     As I dried my hair after a nice hot shower and a whole day of sweating, I thought to myself, "Okay Nadia, you survived a whole day without Mommy and Daddy. I think you can survive 10 hours without Daddy holding your hand." I suddenly heard a vibrating sound and thought it was someone outside our hotel room door. I thought that because our room was right next to the open loading zone. VERY FREAKY! It was actually my mom texting good night. I replied with a good night and gripped my phone in my hand. Suddenly a lightbulb lit up in my head. I quickly my bed's pillow and put it on the other side of the bed. No bugs tonight! But I didn't have the courage to leave my pillow where it was. I didn't have the courage to overcome my fear of bugs. I climbed into bed and fell on my pillow. Melodie also fell on her bed and she slept straight away. I didn't know that but after 5 minutes after 10 I heard a faint snoring sound. I started to giggle very softly and closed my eyes. I just couldn't fall asleep without a verbal, "Good Night!". 

     *BRING BRING* I heard my alarm ring. It turns out I actually did fall asleep! I have finally overcome my fear of being alone! YAHOO! What an achievement :) I woke up and ran to the other bed and woke Melodie up and checked my watch. It was 7:00. We were only supposed to wake up at 9:00 I think. So Melodie and I just sat in bed and played one of my phone's games. I not only overcame my fear but also woke up earlier than I could ever can!

     Courage. Everyone deals with it and everyone can use it in anyway they want to. My definition of courage is having the guts to do what you think is the right choice. What's your definition of courage?


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

     Early humans used cave paintings, artifacts, tools to express their hominid culture, most important is how they use art so creatively. They would see something they like and paint it on the walls of the caves or the surface of a rock or even just on the floor. The group I was in observed a picture that showed part of a cave wall. We hypothesized what we thought the painting was about. We first thought that it was a plan to get bison for food or a plan to attack an enemy of some sort. We also thought it was a plan to get every living thing away from a poisoned plant or piece of land. All of these hypothesizes are plans to lure or capture something. We never guessed that it was a just an everyday life painting. Some scientists believe that it WAS an everyday life painting. This proves that we never know what these smart hominids paint because they add all of these weird symbols and signs that we never understand or recognize. I think the early humans would use art instead of anything else because maybe they didn't know how else to express their culture.

     I would like to write (or rather type) what i can infer about these images below.

     To me and many others, this painting looks like a plan but to some people, it might look like a tribute to the many animals in their homeland. To scientists, those handprints are an artist's signature. The group I worked with figured it was representing the many people in the picture. I can see that the bison are trying to run away from something or someone. Many scientists thought that the paintings all meant something different because each painting was unique and different. Not one was exactly the same. As I said earlier, this painting may be a way of saying tribute to the animals in their territory. Maybe the animals did something miraculous and this is the hominid's way of saying thanks.

     I think this painting shows the many people there are in one single tribe. As you can see, there are many different sizes of hands. There are small and big hands. I guess the bigger hands are the adult's and the smaller hands are a child's. There are many different colors and different designs. I think the colors represent the different kind of personalities there are in the tribe. The early humans may have used different kinds of fruits and blood to make the ink. They could have used all of the tools they invented to kill  the animals and squeeze the fruits. I think this painting was to show all the different kinds of people in their tribe. They may have not been from different places but an individual is very different from another individual.

     Well, I believe there are many different answers depending on the person. In conclusion....How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture? I think the early humans would paint what they think has meaning, what they think is interesting and what they think is important to them and others around them.

Nadia :)


Monday, August 16, 2010

What Are You?

Which Social Scientist are you?

When I grow up, I want to be an archaelogist, out of historians and geographers, and dig up something very meaningful like Howard Carter, who I just found out dug up the tomb of King Tutankhamen. I have never heard of him before but I guess he really is famous if he actually dug up the tomb of KING TUT :O These are some reasons why I chose archaelogist, what an archaeologist does and why I didn't pick the other jobs.

Why did I choose to be an archaeologist?

I chose to be an archaeologist because...

1. I love to get down and dirty :)

2. I like to sort things out

3. I like solving puzzles

I mean, if you want to pick a job, you should do SOMETHING YOU LOVE! If books are your thing, be a librarian or and author :D You should always think your job is fun! I guess it's sort of like the movie, Bee Movie. Barry didn't want to work in the beehive because he would have to work that job for the rest of his life! The most fun thing I think an archaeologist does is FOSSILS. I love dusting the dirt off the fossil and just trying to figure out what it is! You never know it could be a whale's tooth, or something... I guess an archaeologist has the most exciting job out of the other jobs because you get to 

to all the different places ALL around the world! The best thing is that you don't have a deadline :) You can try and find out what a teeny tiny fossil is and no one would say, " THIS IS DUE TOMORROW OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!"

I think you need to be able to cooperate with other people to have a job like this. If you don't cooperate with people, what's the use? You'll just fight every second of the forget about being a archaeologist if you're not a cooperative person. Luckily, I believe I can cooperate with people very well :D

What exactly is an archaeologist?

In my own words, I think an archaeologist is a person who examines objects that have been left behind from people or animals from the past by travelling all around the world looking for those objectsct is. For example, on National Geographic Channel (I think...don't blame if you go home and you can't find this segment), I saw a lady,who I believe is an archaeologist, examine a whale's body bones that she found in a place that gets less than 1mm or water each year. You sometimes get puzzles like that when you're on a expedition. I mean, come on, a whale in a desert? I think that's a BIG mystery :O

Why didn't I choose historian or geographer?

I didn't choose those two jobs because I don't really like history or geography. I guess locating latitudes and longitudes are fun :) but not as fun as digging up artifacts from the past. A historian, in my opinion just studies the past which is not really fun because then you have to research alot and you have to be really smart :( I think geographer would be my second choice because you still get to travel around the world and I 
think being a historian is just not fun.

I guess that's all...

I hope you really enjoyed my blog post. I'll enter some history about Howard Carter in my next blog post. :)



Monday, August 9, 2010

Hi! I'm Nadia :D

Hi! I'm Nadia :D I am an ISKL Middle School here in Kuala Lumpur. I am from Kuala Lumpur and this is my 4th year back here. I have been living in Beijing for the past 8 years of my life and moved there when I was about 2 and a half years old. I think Malaysia is a great place to live :) I mean without the mosquitos and all the little bugs that can easily kill you :O This is my first time writing on a blog so I'm not sure how it goes...I think it's like writing an essay,hmmmm... I HOPE YOU LIKE MY BLOG :)

Cheers, Nadia

What are the latest three books you have read?

Right now, I am reading Coraline and Other Stories and School of Fear. I have just finished reading How To Be A Girly Girl In Just Ten Days. Coraline and Other Stories is just like the movie except it's SCARIER :( Neil Gaiman certainly put in a lot of details in this book. School of Fear is about these four kids who all have something in common: they all have different kinds of phobias. I am enjoying it so far, even though I have only read the first few chapters. How To Be A Girly Girl In Just Ten Days is about this girl called Nicollette, but her friends call her Nick because she is a BIG tomboy by heart. It's the type of books that girls would probably want to read, but maybe boys would like it :)

What is the last movie you have seen?

I think the latest movie I have seen is Despicable Me. I think Despicable Me is the kind of movie that you can only watch one time because if you watch multiple times, you might not think it'd funny anymore.  I really want to watch Toy Story 3! The commercial seems very funny! If you can get me the DVD, THANK YOU VERY MUCH :D If you can't get me the DVD, BOOHOO TO YOU :(

What is one academic goal do you have for this year?

One academic goal I have for Middle School is to improve on my essay writing. I am not sure I write formal enough for a formal essay. I think I like to write letters better than essays. Mrs. Narsiman, if you could help me on that, YOU WILL BE MY FAVOURITE TEACHER :D

What is one social goal you have for this year?

I would like to be able to mix in with all the different people in my grade and not just the people I had in my class last year. This year, we would switch classes every 80 minutes. Last year, we would just have our classes in one classrooms. I thought it was very boring. Our teacher would say," After you finish your handwriting samples, take out your science notebooks."

What is your favourite vacation memory?

My favourite vacation memory is when I went to Gold Coast and I went on the Big 6 Thrill Rides in Dream World. They were Tower of Terror, The Giant Drop, Cyclone, The Claw, The Wipeout and Mick Doohan's Motocoaster. I think the scariest one, for me, was Tower of Terror. It's speed is up to 161 kph in seven seconds! Even though this L-shaped ride is short, it is so, uber fun!

List 5 adjectives to describe yourself






I think that's the end of my first ever blog post as nredza17. I hope you will enjoy this post :)

Your swimmer,

Nadia Redza