Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lit Circles FTW :)

 Lit Circles is not necessarily my favorite assignment, but it's not the worst (or is it?) Right now, I am reading the novel The True Confessions Of Charlotte DoyleLiterature Circles are basically something that helps you to understand novels by letting you choose 2 passages you thought was important, 2 questions you have, 2 responses you have TO the questions, 2 connections, and 2 new vocabulary words. 

Many people wonder why we review our literature circles in groups, better yet, how the discussion helps our understanding of the novel. The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle is a very complex book. It's the kind of book where you have to read between the lines and really know what the text means. The discussion helped me to understand the novel because of 2 reasons. One reason occurs when you share ideas with your group. When someone shares their own idea, you start to think about other thoughts that you forgot to put on your literature circle. This can help you understand the book more because it gets your brain working even more than you thought was possible. For example, someone might think a character as mean or snobby, but you thought of the exact opposite! They give examples and reasons and you find out that it can work both ways. 

People make different kinds of connections. Some people base their connections on different books or movies.  I tend to base my connections as personal ones. One connection I made at the recent discussion was about when I am left alone, since Charlotte is left alone on the ship. My other connection was how I am also put into a group FULL of boys! I have so many examples (well, only 2). One example was in 5th grade when I was put into a group of 7 BOYS! Phew, that was torture...Another example is at the Kuala Selangor Firefly Field Trip. I was put into a group of boys when we went to go on a boat to see the fireflies. 

        After reading THIS far into the book (9 chapters for the win!), I think it is safe to make predictions. One prediction I have is I think Charlotte will fall madly in love with Captain Jaggery. I have read a part where Charlotte is heads over heels for him because he is so handsome and so gentleman-like. Another connection I have is that Charlotte will try to escape after being held in a boat with no one to entertain her. She may try to hide or even jump off the side of the ship and swim to shore. You never what will happen next though!

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