THIS YEAR HAS BEEN SO AMAZING! My first Malaysia Week, my first time studying
humanities, MS parties, new friends and so many new things to learn! But now, as Homer Simpson says, the end is near. And it's also time to reflect:
I think one piece of work I'm proud of would be the literature circles. I think this because though it may not be my most favorite thing to do, I feel that some of my best work is on it. I found that the first book "Call It Courage" was very hard to do literature circles on because everybody was so new to it and I was getting B's and A-'s. Then we got to "The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle", many were more familiar but still a very hard book. And finally, we came to the "The Giver". I thought that I was very 'into' the book and found it very easy to write literature circles and was headed towards A+'s!
I think my greatest challenge would be getting all of my homework done on time. Since I am a serious swimmer, I train every night and only get home at about 8:00, and have only about an hour or 2 to finish my homework. I am not able to do my homework in the afternoon as I also have other activities I take part in. The biggest obstacle I had to tackle would be the literature circles. Though many would argue that we have a whole week to finish it, I have other homework I have to do on a daily basis such as KUMON. But I have managed to overcome this roadblock with great pride.
What I have learned about myself as a learner would be that I'm a JJ. At the beginning of the year, Mr Whiting had come in to determine our learning profile. It was to show how we learn best and some strategies to use when we are stressed or nervous. Being a JJ, I am gestalt, right eye dominant, left ear dominant, right hand dominant and left leg dominant. As you can see, I am very "mixed-up", proving that everybody is unique. One strategy that would work when I am nervous would be to do Lazy-8's. Lazy-8's are when you draw figure 8's with your hand. I often do this when I am taking a test or when I am thinking. Another strategy would be to sit on the right side of the room as sitting on the left might affect my hearing.
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
I think my behavior is satisfactory because sometimes I talk in class and won't know what the teacher is talking about.
SatisfactoryActively participate in class
I don't alway participate in class because sometimes I may have had a bad day or just didn't feel like talking.
Needs serious helpSatisfactory
I'm super organized
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
I think my behavior is satisfactory because sometimes I talk in class and won't know what the teacher is talking about.
SatisfactoryActively participate in class
I don't alway participate in class because sometimes I may have had a bad day or just didn't feel like talking.
Needs serious helpSatisfactory
I'm super organized
I think I am very organized because in my locker, I don't have any stray papers and I am able to finish off all of my homework. For example, I went to ISTA this year for a week and had a lot of homework when I came back to KL. But I managed to catch up in all my classes within a few days.
Needs serious help
SatisfactoryI always go above and beyond what is required.
Needs serious help
SatisfactoryI always go above and beyond what is required.
I have always gone above and beyond in my work in order to get good grades. For example, for the most recent Tic-Tac-Toe, I had put explanations for all of the events we had included. I always put 100% effort in my work, because I always know the outcome will be good.
In Grade 7, I plan to manage my time so that I can complete my homework on time. Sometimes, I would pull an all nighter to finish my literature circle. This was because I would never plan ahead to organize my time well. I was selected to be in the "higher" math group in 7th grade, which just makes everything even more complicated. I plan to make a schedule on how to organize my homework and time well.
In Grade 7, I plan to stay academically as high as I can possibly go. My 4th grade teacher wrote in my report card that "the sky is the limit" for me. And I try to establish this because the final result is always good. This doesn't mean that I would neglect all the other things I take part in. I just want to maintain and/or improve my standards of where I stand academically. I will try to not make many low grades and try to maintain the good grades that I have right now.
One thing I would like 7th grade teachers to know is that I have a very creative touch and I like many projects in school like timelines, drawings, mobiles or posters. Another thing would be that I can work with anybody. I can work in groups and individually because I don't mind it. The last thing would be that when working in groups, I'd like to pick who I work with because I know that I would work well with them especially if I know how they work.
I have two words of wisdom to tell the Class of 2018. One would be to just have fun! HAVE FUN! You have finished elementary school and it's time for you to grow up! But don't have too
much if you feel you will be distracted or drawn away from the whole picture.

Secondly, I would like to pass on to NOT STRESS. There is no point of stressing about homework or projects because it will not get you anywhere. Everything will be fine and in the end, everything works out! And you will get the hang of things really quick here in ISKL because there are so many people around that can help you with your troubles.
This comment is for the imovie creation myth,
ReplyDeleteAWESOME i really liked your music as i am A HARRY POTTER FAN! :D and I really liked all the images they were really good and unpixelated! I also like all your text because it explained the story very well. Good Job! :D