In class, we all had to present a powerpoint on our home city. Even though my home city is KL, I chose Beijing because 1) a lot of people were doing KL and 2) I consider it my second home since I lived there for 7.5 years.
1) What you believe you did well on the project?
What I believe I did well on my project is the information I found. I put in the requirements that Mrs Narsiman expected us to put it in. Environmental factors, historical factors, statistical information and other interesting facts. I believe I covered all the guidelines Mrs Narsiman gave us.
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
Something I would like to improve for future presentations/projects would be the oral part of my presentation. I should be more prepared with speaker notes, notecards etc...I start to fidget and tend to look at the board very often. In the future, I can work on my physical appearance, no moving my hands and eye contact. Even though I LOVE performing on stage, I have a phobia of presenting my work to a crowd of people because of the worry of the quality of my work.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
I learned that you should be confident and proud of your work, because (courtesy of my friend, Natalie's, blog post) if you're confident enough, then everything will be fine. I also learned that you should always use your time wisely because you never know what will happen. Like for me, I had no wifi that week so I couldn't do any internet-related homework, so I problem-solved and try to get as much as I could in class so that I wouldn't have any problem with homework at home.
4) What is your analysis of your performance?
Overall, I think my performance was good. I could've have done worse, but the best piece can ALWAYS be improved because no matter what, we will always have presentations to do. I'll take the mistakes I made and put them into effect the next time I present my work and will be proud of my work. And I won't worry about anything.
If you would like to see my presentation and you'd like to learn more about Beijing, here's a link to my project----https://docs.google.com/a/iskl.edu.my/present/edit?id=0AaIsXQbl7EzZZGRkMnpzYmpfNDZjanRrd2ZmOQ&hl=en
-Google Docs "Nadia_Beijing" https://docs.google.com/a/iskl.edu.my/present/edit?id=0AaIsXQbl7EzZZGRkMnpzYmpfNDZjanRrd2ZmOQ&hl=en
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