Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?
I think they created monuments because they believed that that was the only way to represent their thoughts and beliefs. The pharaoh I researched on, Ramses II, built monuments to represent his religious beliefs and to enhance his relationship with Ra, the god that he worshipped. Pharaohs might have also built monuments because they wanted to be remembered and they believe that monuments would be the best solution. For example, Ramses II built the Ramesseum because it was the place where his memory would be kept alive after he passed on from his world.
2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).

both buildings showed purpose. The Statue Of Liberty was given to the US by the French to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American Declaration Of Independence.

3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?
Google Docs is an absolute tool for presentations, projects and research, especially if you're working in a group. On a collaborative document, you can chat with them in case you're stuck or just don't know what to do. Google Docs also automatically saves your work, so your partner can always be updated on your work. They can also tell if you have been doing your share of work.
4. What did you learn from this assignment?
I learned that pharaohs didn't just build monuments for the sake of it. They actually did it for many purposes such as, religious beliefs, love, glory and many others. Another thing I learned is just everything about Ramses II. I actually never knew that they were so many pharaohs. I only knew 2; King Tut and Cleopatra. And this project just opened me up to a whole new subject.
5. What was challenging?
What I think was challenging was just getting the iMovie done. Sometimes in class, you aren't able to always finish your work and you have to do some work at home, but the fact that you and your partner have very different schedules, it would be hard to make some time for each other.
6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?
I think "Collaborate Constructively","Think Creatively", and "Learn Enthusiastically" were some of the SLRs that were evident in this assignment because you and your partner had to work together, think of some creative ways to do your iMovie, and along the way, having enough information to learn and fit into your iMovie.
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