Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
I chose this question because though it seems like an easy question, if you really think about it, it's very hard to think. Both sides have their pros and cons and it's a very hard decision. Sometimes people will not need guidance in their life but others do. Sometimes it's hard to make some decisions and you need someone to help you make it, maybe even make it FOR you. You probably know what you want so you go with your choice, but occasionally it will be the wrong choice. People might think that having people choose for you is a good thing because it requires less work of you. But those are the kinds of people who never get far in life.
I have decided that I would like my future to not be decided by others because I recommend people should have some sort of freedom in their life, but not too much freedom that would get me wild and crazy. I realized that everyone should have guidance in their choices and advice but would not like them to make the entire decision for them. I would get my family to help me out with my choices or my friends to give me advice on which choice to make. If I disagree with what they say, I still have the right to follow my own opinion. You would still have someone who has your back but you would't be controlled by them. For example, in the novel The Giver, Jonas starts to wonder about his society because he starts to think deeper into the decisions the Elders make. He suddenly realizes that he can't make any choices for himself. Jonas worries about the assignment he has been selected for and is questioning why he can't choose his own assignment. I think Jonas has suddenly realized that he is being controlled.
Though I am gestalt, I still feel I have a little bit of logic in my brain, and as a "logic", I like things to be in order while gestalt people like to look at the big picture first. Though I like things to be in order, I figured I wouldn't like that to imply with the decision of me not having my future decided by others because there are 2 completely different things. Having someone control you is having no freedom and when we can get a list in order, you can either choose to follow it or to not. It's entirely your choice. I think Jonas feels the same as most people do. Nobody would like their future to be decided by others. For example, slaves have their "future" decided for them, but it's not their choice. They grew up in poverty and would want to do anything in order to get wealth.
In conclusion, I would not like my future to be decided by others but I like guidance and advice for the choices I make. I have the choice of following or not following it. I also believe that Jonas would not like his future decided by others but he can't help it. Would YOU want your future to be decided by others?

I really like your statements! It's straight to the point and the content of your explanation is very clear. It made me to really think the same way as how you think. Although, you did not put any evidence of how hard it is for Jonas to think about whether it is better to choose own future or not. Aswell the part when you say "Both sides have their pros and cons and it's a very hard decision." is a nice to convince others :O