This statement is a very general and simple, but it has a lot of meaning. This relates to many situations, and generally speaking, I agree with with this statement. Victims don't have many options on how they can act, and with the options that are available, they have the choice of using them or not. For me, I do believe that limited options is what makes a victim. To support my judgement, I have related this statement to the unit we are studying now in Humanities.
In Humanities, we have recently learned about Kristallnacht, which translates loosely to "Night of Broken Glass". The Jewish refugees trapped in Germany were victims of Adolf Hitler's hatred and Kristallnacht. Stormtroopers, SS men and SA men go around Germany, invading Jewish-populated areas.The Jews have been recognized worldwide as victims, and I have related this statement to them. The Jews did not have many choices They first had the option of moving, but after many countries did not open up their doors to let Jewish refugees in, the only other choice they had was to hide. Once they were stuck in Germany without any options, they basically had no options. Their right were taken away from them even if they were innocent. The Jews just did not have a place in this jigsaw puzzle known as the world. In summary, I do agree with this statement.
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