The Eternal Jew
When I first looked at "The Eternal Jew", I had absolutely no clue as to what this picture's point was. But after a few moments of analyzing and observing, I finally figured out what this picture was trying to get through. In this picture, a man dressed in black is featured and this man has a long beard and a hat on his head. This man has his hand thrust out with coins in it. This man also has a rock tucked under his arm. This man is enlarged and is obviously the main feature of this picture. There is some text on the lower-left corner of the page. I realized that the background of this picture is very bright and stands out, while the main pointof the picture is wearing dark clothing which is a sign on contrast.The man in the picture, is most likely to be a Jew, as he has a traditional Jewish hat on. He seems very old and this picture could be trying to say that Jews are old and disgusting. The creators of this poster is most likely to be the Nazi Party Platform, which could be used to promote their political party. The intended audience for this picture would most probably be the genuine "German citizens" with "German pure blood". This poster could be used to show that the Jews were greedy, as indicated by the coins in the Jew's hand, and that they wanted to take over Germany and to have an communist government. I think the creator of the poster is trying to say that the Nazis generalize the Jews and is saying that all Jews want a communist government and that all Jews are greedy.
I believe this poster interprets both lies and misleading information as not all Jews are like this Jew. Maybe NO Jews are like this one. But all people do in those days, is just look on the outside of people and judge them through what they see on the outside. I also believe that the Nazi Party Platform may have expressed their thoughts with more exaggeration because, as I stated before, not all Jews are like this Jew. The Nazis made it seem like all Jews are like this one and that all Jews are horrible. But the thing is, the Nazis were the horrible ones by generalizing all people of either the same race or religion. The Nazis are trying to say that the Jews are greedy, and that they want to take over Germany with a communist government.

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